How do we help pain sufferers manage their pain effectively, in a drug free and surgery free way?
Neurotechnology is our joint venture company that is trying something new and innovative in the medical technology field. We are using Virtual Reality technology to create a therapeutic environment to help treat chronic pain. This is done by Tranceducer & CognitiVR, our patented treatment software and hardware combination. We've partnered with Wilfred Lax, a clinical psychologist to develop novel chronic pain treatment.
Chronic pain is a big problem for a lot of people, and most of them have already tried multiple surgical and chemical options with no success. The thing with these approaches is that they often have a set pattern which isn't tailored to the individual. This can often lead to unsuccessful results when treating chronic pain.

At Innovate Pain Clinic, we understand that chronic pain can be difficult to manage. That's why we've developed a program that uses technology-based treatments to help our clients effectively manage their pain. Our treatment program includes Tranceducer and CognitiVR as tools to help our clients relieve their pain.

The treatment consists of 12 modules of training that will teach the patient how to understand and manage the pain. Using the CognitiVR, Innovate Pain Clinic will try to introduce a new way of thinking about pain and its treatment from a neuroplasticity point of view. During the treatment, the patient will pass several journeys to understand their body at first, continuing with the main usage of Tranceducer and CognitiVR to immerse them into a virtual reality environment that induces pain relief.
This is a practical example of how creative technology can be used in medical and health industry. It actually help solve real world problem and not some event, marketing or advertising gimmick.

Do you have a real world problem that needs to be solved using creativity and technology?
Let's have a chat.